Monday, December 24, 2012

Workbench lamianted tops

   I have finished gluing up the laminated tops for my workbench.  I began by doing some initial stock preparation. I planed the wood to get rid of high spots and machining marks to get a even gluing surface. I didn't need to straighten the wood because I chose my stock carefully.  I avoided stock with significant twists and bows. Of course this involved trips to 2 different Lowes and a home depot twice over but, that's another story altogether.
 I glued my legs and aprons  at the same time so I would have all my lamination's done at once.

After letting everything dry overnight I am beginning  to do some initial leveling starting with the underside of my tops. I will need to plane and square up my legs and aprons. This will be crucial when I start laying and cutting parts and joints.  Next I will start cutting all my parts to size.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

   This blog will be following my endeavors in creating and working in my home wood shop.  I have wanted to build my own wood shop for years.
   Early on I had images of a shop full of state of the art woodworking machines. Visions of table saws,  jointers, planers, and router tables danced in my head.
   I have worked with these machines professionally for nearly 15 years.  That was how I saw a modern wood shop.  In this age of apartment living though I have been waiting for that space.  I will wait no longer.  I will be making my woodshop in a room in my apartment. This is room is 8' x 11'.  It will be a hand tool shop.
 I've already started building my bench. This bench will be the center of my shop as it was for hundreds of years.
It will be my modern woodshop.